What do spit, heavy breathing and major drawer creep up all have in common?

14 Feb

7 miles…..

Get your mind out of the gutter..

That is what we ran on Saturday…us, the group that was having trouble running 4 up hills ran 7 ….consecutive… miles….in windy ass weather. And freaking cold, again. (I swear if I complain about the heat this summer, you can find me and slap me….I’ll give you a free one.)

I love this part of working out. The “it will get easier” mantra you start out thinking is bullshit at the beginning, is real. Im so glad that we are at this point. I can run and not feel like someone is choking me out. That makes me happy, even though the weight is still only about 8 pounds in the minus column.

So if we have the running down, Im now starting to stress about the obstacle part of our race…that is in 54 days….I start to sweat even saying that….I need to do a dry run. But since there are no walls to climb around (without getting yanked down by a security guard) or mud bogs in the local playground, Im still really nervous. Oh, yeah, and those little things called “water features.” Um, its been under 38 for the past like 3 months….think water can warm up in 54 days?….Yeah Im thinking that’s a big no too…..

Im thinking I have to stop looking at the pictures of last years race…..it looks…scary still. Less than eight weeks. We need to buckle down and come up with some alternatives to mimic what we are going to be doing, maybe that will help me. Im thinking the pack is going to balk at jumping into the duck pond by the gym…maybe just cold showers first.

Just thinking that might start tomorrow…..its Valentines day right? I think I might just throw some love my own way but just chilling out tonite.

You so can’t throw away the chocolates your Dad got you right? That’s like my friend who wanted to get rid of a religious item she found in her house…I made her put it on a high shelf…bad juju throwing away either….and I need none of that…!!!

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